As the Government encourages Australians to take responsibility for and reach their financial retirement goals, citizens are repeatedly required to deal with superannuation funds. Superannuation is a way to save for your retirement. The government Superannuation Guarantee is a compulsory contribution made by all employers, for eligible employees directly into the employees nominated super fund.
Currently an employer must pay 9.5% of an employees salary into their nominated super fund. The Superannuation Guarantee will gradually increase to 12% in coming years.
Employers have an obligation to:
The ATO reports that the most common superannuation mistakes an employer makes include:
Depending on the industry type, superannuation compliance for employers can be quite complex - let us assist you with your employer superannuation compliance by reviewing your current procedures. We are able to assist you with advice on superannuation clearing houses, compliant accounting software to enable you to manage your superannuation payments and reporting with the click of a button, and provide you with tools to accurately calculate your Superannuation Guarantee payments. Don't wait for an ATO audit - contact us today.
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